Programming Principles Analysis

  • Objective: To help staff understand the relevance of CARE International’s Programming Principles to their work and measure how our work addresses deeper social and cultural issues.
  • Preparation/Materials: Copies of the Programming Principles handouts and worksheet for each participant,  flipchart paper, pens and markers.
  • Participants: CARE staff and partners.


To start, the facilitator distributes CARE International’s Programming Principles and the group read through each principle together, to allow space for questions and ensure everyone understood each principle.

In groups, participants discuss to what extent their project or sector follows the principles and prepared a presentation of their findings in terms of:


Principle 1: Promote Empowerment

Chart with ratings (L-R): 1 - worry, 2 - symbolic, 3 - basic, 4 - considerable, 5 - strong


Principle 2: Work with Partners

Chart with ratings (L-R): 1 - worry, 2 - symbolic, 3 - basic, 4 - considerable, 5 - strong


Principle 3: Ensure Accountability and Promote Responsibility

Chart with ratings (L-R): 1 - worry, 2 - symbolic, 3 - basic, 4 - considerable, 5 - strong


Principle 4: Address Discrimination

Chart with ratings (L-R): 1 - worry, 2 - symbolic, 3 - basic, 4 - considerable, 5 - strong


Principle 5: Promote Non-Violent Resolution of Conflicts

Chart with ratings (L-R): 1 - worry, 2 - symbolic, 3 - basic, 4 - considerable, 5 - strong


Principle 6: Seek Sustainable Results

Chart with ratings (L-R): 1 - worry, 2 - symbolic, 3 - basic, 4 - considerable, 5 - strong


Once finished, each group presents their findings and rationale for each principle. Following the presentations, participants discuss:

  • What do you think about the other groups’ results?
  • Do you have any comments on the process of the exercise? Did anything surprise you?
  • How was this exercise useful in exploring the possible range of programming approaches to social justice related to gender and sexuality?
  • What could we do to improve our programming approaches? What would help us make these changes? What might stop us from making these changes?
  • What are your concerns or thoughts about these potential changes?

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  • CARE (2007). Ideas and Action: Addressing the Social Factors that Influence Sexual and Reproductive Health.